
Aims & Competencies


The aims of the Oregon State Hospital Psychology Internship Program is:

  • To provide comprehensive and individualized clinical training
  • In evidence-based assessment and treatment
  • That emphasizes the unique strengths and that addresses the needs of people in recovery from serious mental illness and
  • That prepares professional psychologists to work effectively with forensically-involved patients and other stakeholders.

Four people smiling and standing outside. Each person is holding a transparent name placard.

Profession-Wide Competencies and Learning Elements

OSH-PIP provides comprehensive training in evidence-based assessment and treatment over the course of the training year. It is expected that by the conclusion of the internship year, interns will have achieved at least intermediate competence on the following profession-wide competences and associated learning elements. This competency level indicates the intern is ready for entry level practice in this area (i.e., residency/postdoctoral fellowship with less supervision than internship but more supervision than licensed practice) given a significantly decreased need for supervision of their work.

Profession-Wide Competency 1 – Research

Interns will achieve competence appropriate to their professional developmental level in the area of Research. Learning Elements related to this competency include the achievement of competency in the following:

  • Demonstrates the substantially independent ability to critically evaluate research or other scholarly activities (e.g., case conference, presentation, publications)
  • Disseminates research or other scholarly activities (e.g., case conference, presentation, publications) at the local (including the host institution), regional, or national level
  • Competently discusses relevant research with colleagues
  • Accurately conveys the results and limitations of published research
  • Uses techniques from evidence-based interventions, when appropriate
  • Compares and contrasts evidence-based approaches in case conceptualization and treatment planning
  • Seeks out professional literature to provide a better understanding of a particular clinical issue when needed
  • Uses research methodology to generate answers to questions relevant to delivery of psychological services in a forensic psychiatric hospital


Profession-Wide Competency 2 – Ethical and Legal Standards

Interns will achieve competence appropriate to their professional developmental level in the area of Ethical and Legal Standards. Learning Elements related to this competency include the achievement of competence in the following:

  • Demonstrates a knowledge of and acts in accordance with the APA Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct
  • Demonstrates a knowledge of and acts in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, rules, and policies governing health services psychology at the organizational, local, state, regional, and federal levels
  • Demonstrates a knowledge of and acts in accordance with professional standards and guidelines
  • Recognizes ethical dilemmas as they arise and applies ethical decision-making processes in order to resolve the dilemmas
  • Conducts themselves in an ethical manner in all professional activities
  • Demonstrates knowledge of and acts in accordance with the APA specialty guidelines for forensic psychology
  • Articulates professional values and takes steps to resolve situations that are in conflict with these values
  • Identifies ethical dilemmas and legal issues as they arise and seeks supervision or guidance as appropriate


Profession-Wide Competency 3 –  Individual and Cultural Diversity

Interns will achieve competence appropriate to their professional developmental level in the area of Individual and Cultural Diversity. Learning Elements related to this competency include the achievement of competence in the following:

  • Demonstrates an understanding of how their own personal/cultural history, attitudes, and biases may affect their understanding of and interactions with individuals different from themselves
  • Demonstrates knowledge of the current theoretical and empirical knowledge base as it relates to addressing diversity in all professional activities including research, training, supervision/consultation, and service
  • Demonstrates the ability to integrate awareness and knowledge of individual and cultural differences in the conduct of professional roles
  • Demonstrates the ability to apply a framework for working effectively with areas of individual and cultural diversity
  • Demonstrates the ability to work effectively with individuals whose group membership, demographic characteristics, or worldviews create conflict with their own
  • Establishes rapport/relationships with patients, including those who differ significantly from oneself
  • Discusses individual differences with patients when appropriate
  • Utilizes supervision as a means of openly discussing limits to competency with diverse clients


Profession-Wide Competency 4 – Professional Values and Attitudes

Interns will achieve competence appropriate to their professional developmental level in the area of Professional Values and Attitudes. Learning Elements related to this competency include the achievement of competence in the following:

  • Behaves in ways that reflect the values and attitudes of psychology, including cultural humility, integrity, deportment, professional identity, accountability, lifelong learning, and concern for the welfare of others
  • Engages in self-reflection regarding one’s personal and professional functioning
  • Engages in activities to maintain and improve performance, well-being, and professional effectiveness
  • Actively seeks and demonstrates openness and responsiveness to feedback and supervision
  • Responds professionally in increasingly complex situations with a greater degree of independence as they progress across levels of training
  • Demonstrates thoughtfulness about one’s own professional values and goals
  • Engages in activities that promote professional self-awareness and reflection
  • Utilizes supervision to explore and to accept feedback regarding one’s professional identity
  • Takes initiative to attend various trainings and training activities
  • Identifies and communicates career goals and plans during supervision
  • Seeks out new and challenging experiences during the internship year
  • Demonstrates awareness of the impact one’s behavior has on others and demonstrates appropriate physical contact (i.e., professional attire and appearance)
  • Handles differences of opinion openly and tactfully
  • Demonstrates effective verbal and nonverbal communication
  • Uses effective time management skills regarding appointments, meetings, and time off
  • Prioritizes tasks and deadlines efficiently and without need for supervisory input
  • Completes required documentation accurately and in accordance with expected deadlines
  • Demonstrates an ability to monitor, assess, and adjust self-care


Profession-Wide Competency 5 – Communication and Interpersonal Skills

Interns will achieve competence appropriate to their professional developmental level in the area of Communication and Interpersonal Skills. Learning Elements related to this competency include the achievement of competence in the following:

  • Develops and maintains effective relationships with a wide range of individuals, including colleagues, communities, organizations, supervisors, supervisees, and those receiving professional services
  • Demonstrates a thorough grasp of professional language and concepts
  • Produces, comprehends, and engages in communications that are informative and well-integrated
  • Demonstrates effective interpersonal skills and ability to manage difficult communication well
  • Provides clear, effective written communication in client notes and assessment reports
  • Provides clear, effective written communication when engaging with other professionals (i.e., professional language and concepts)


Profession-Wide Competency 6 – Evidence Based Practice in Assessment

Interns will achieve competence appropriate to their professional developmental level in the area of Evidence-Based Practice in Assessment. Learning Elements related to this competency include the achievement of competence in the following:

  • Demonstrates current knowledge of diagnostic classification systems, functional and dysfunctional behaviors, including consideration of client strengths and psychopathology
  • Demonstrates understanding of human behavior within its context (e.g., family, social, societal and cultural)
  • Demonstrates the ability to apply the knowledge of functional and dysfunctional behaviors including context to the assessment and/or diagnostic process
  • Selects and applies assessment methods that draw from the empirical literature and that reflect the science of measurement and psychometrics
  • Collects relevant data using multiple sources and methods appropriate to the identified goals and questions of the assessment as well as relevant diversity characteristics of the service recipient
  • Interprets assessment results, following current research and professional standards and guidelines, to inform case conceptualization, classification, and recommendations, while guarding against decision-making biases, distinguishing the aspects of assessment that are subjective from those that are objective
  • Communicates the findings and implications of the assessment in an accurate and effective manner sensitive to a range of audiences
  • Proficiently and efficiently administers psychological tests
  • Accurately scores, interprets, and integrates test results prior to supervision session
  • Forms objective clinical opinions and recommendations
  • Integrates relevant information from interviews and assessment measures into an accurate, thorough, organized, and well-written report that supports diagnosis and meaningful case conceptualization
  • Provides appropriate recommendations for the client based on the results of the assessment
  • Demonstrates an ability to verbally communicate assessment results to the intended parties


Profession-Wide Competency 7 – Evidence Based Practice in Intervention

Interns will achieve competence appropriate to their professional developmental level in the area of Evidence-Based Practice in Intervention. Learning Elements related to this competency include the achievement of competence in the following:

  • Establishes and maintains effective relationships with the recipients of psychological services
  • Develops evidence-based intervention plans specific to the service delivery goals
  • Implements interventions informed by the current scientific literature, assessment findings, diversity characteristics, and contextual variables
  • Demonstrates the ability to apply the relevant research literature to clinical decision making
  • Modifies and adapts evidence-based approaches effectively when a clear evidence-base is lacking
  • Evaluates intervention effectiveness and adapts intervention goals and methods consistent with ongoing evaluation
  • Independently produces strong case conceptualizations
  • Communicates short-term and long-term treatment goals with the client and within supervision
  • Utilizes empathy and listening skills to facilitate expression of and exploration of clients’ thoughts, feelings, non-verbal communication, and behaviors
  • Demonstrates a basic understanding of the components of skills-based group therapy
  • Demonstrates appropriate interventions during group therapy
  • Demonstrates self-awareness during all therapies and communicates this self-awareness during supervision
  • Competently manages crisis situations and make appropriate referrals


Profession-Wide Competency 8 – Supervision

Interns will achieve competence appropriate to their professional developmental level in the area of Supervision. Learning Elements related to this competency include the achievement of competence in the following:

  • Applies knowledge of the practice of supervision in direct or simulated practice with psychology trainees or other health professionals.
  • Applies the supervisory skill of observing in direct or simulated practice
  • Applies the supervisory skill of evaluating in direct or simulated practice
  • Applies the supervisory skills of giving guidance and feedback in direct or simulated practice
  • Understands and is guided by an applicable supervisory model and its relevant techniques
  • Demonstrates knowledge of effective supervision & best practices
  • Identifies appropriate developmental needs of the supervisee
  • Utilizes techniques that appropriately correspond to the supervisee’s developmental needs
  • Delivers individualized constructive feedback to the supervisee
  • Understands when it is necessary to utilize supervision of supervision and consultation when providing supervision to others


Profession-Wide Competency 9 – Consultation and Interprofessional/Interdisciplinary Skills

Interns will achieve competence appropriate to their professional developmental level in the area of Consultation and Interprofessional/Interdisciplinary Skills. Learning Elements related to this competency include the achievement of competence in the following:

  • Demonstrates knowledge and respect for the roles and perspectives of other professions
  • Applies the knowledge of consultation models and practices in direct or simulated consultation with individuals and their families, other health care professionals, interprofessional groups, or systems related to health and behavior
  • Demonstrates knowledge of the consultant’s role as distinguished from other professional roles
  • Provides clear and useful consultative information to all those involved
  • Consults and cooperates with other disciplines in the service of clients
  • Provides a clear overview to others regarding mental health issues within the inpatient forensic psychiatric setting
  • Demonstrates the ability to respond to questions from non-mental health professionals regarding general mental health issues and concerns
  • Functions effectively in multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary contexts

The Sternwheeler Willamette Queen moored at Riverfront Park in Salem, Oregon            Photo by: Ian Sane Sourse: WikiCommons